Virginia Minutemen Signup


I personally want to take a second to thank you.  As a father, a husband, and a resident of Virginia, whose family fought and bled to create and preserve our great Republic, you have my heartfelt thanks.  This, as I said, will not be an easy fight.  It is not the time for sunshine patriots.  

However I do know this- over the ages, tyrants, dictators and kings have all tried to destroy freedom.

But the people kept it alive.

You notice I did not say politicians or political parties, but rather the people.

Over a decade of grassroots leadership has taught me many lessons; I imagine many of those were to prepare us for today.  But this one truth always rings true; the success or failure of any political action is determined by the number and ability of the activists, not politicians, on either side. But those efforts have to be coordinated and directed.

And this is why we have created the Virginia Minutemen.

If you join us, we are asking you to commit to several actions, to act when contacted, and to take personal responsibility for your individual liberty and the right to keep and bear arms.

Listed below are the actions you, as a member of the Minutemen, will pledge to accomplish, to fight for freedom.

  1. If you have not done so already, you need to sign our petitions to Repeal Red Flag and pass Constitutional Carry. And as a Minutemen, you commit to personally signing up another 10 friends and family to do so

  2. Legislative fights move fast.  Here at the Virginia Constitutional Conservatives we will email members with urgent calls to action.  Many times that is to immediately call a State Representative and to tell them how they must vote.  Emails are nice, but phone calls really matter.  I know this to be true from over 250 legislative efforts with which I have been involved.  As a Minuteman you will pledge to call within 4 hours to tell a politician how they must vote on specific legislation.  There are a host of bills being introduced to gut the 2nd Amendment in Virginia, and committees are where bills go to die.  It is our job to call and demand legislators kill these radical schemes.  For every phone call a politician receives, they usually assume 100 others feel the same way.   We have identified specific districts that we will target throughout the legislative session.

  3. Many politicians have core beliefs, but it has been proven, time and again, if those beliefs endanger their re-election, many politicians will switch sides instantly.  And nothing makes them switch votes more than angry voters.  Besides phone calls, showing up at their office at key moments can have a major impact.  We are requiring that, when we send out the call, Minutemen commit to personally visiting the district office of targeted politicians - if they live within the targeted district.  We all have jobs and private lives so while we will ask all of you to attend the VDCL Lobby Day on January 20th, probably the best time to show up in Richmond is right before a specific vote occurs.  I know most of you cannot drop everything and rush to Richmond, but to those who do, you have my sincere thanks.  You will probably see me there.

  4. Another tool to correct poor voting behavior by a politician is targeted literature drops in their district, specifically in the immediate area where they live.  Going door to door with literature we will provide, really gets their attention.  We are asking that Minutemen, whenever possible, join us in specific districts at specific times to flood the home area of a targeted politician with our literature.  We are not requiring that Minutemen drive hours every Saturday morning, but we will encourage it.  It is required if the targeted politician is your personal representative.

  5. General George Washington knew to be victorious, he not only had to have an army, but also had to train it to fight.  Here at the Virginia Constitutional Conservatives we have partnered with the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership to host activist training classes right here in Virginia.  This no nonsense, confrontational and proven training will prepare you to fight to win.  If you are going to use your time and treasure to fight for freedom, we want to be sure it is spent well.  As we schedule these classes around the Commonwealth, we ask you to do your best to attend, and bring friends.  We will be emailing and posting on our FaceBook page as these excellent training events are scheduled.

  6. And finally, it takes ammunition to win a war.  Like the Patriots at Bunker Hill, we have the (moral) high ground, and like them we also have motivated volunteers.  But not many know that we lost the Battle of Bunker Hill, because those brave patriots ran out of ammunition.  Politics is much like war, and you must have the ammunition to fight.  In politics, donations are that ammunition.  Here in Virginia we have seen George Soros and Michael Bloomberg donate millions to arm the anti-gunners to destroy the 2nd Amendment.  That is a fact.  It is also a fact that Virginia Constitutional Conservatives is an all volunteer PAC, with each of us donating our time and money to fight for freedom.  We are asking that each Minuteman donate $17.75 a month to help us arm fellow patriots with the political tools needed to win.  We do not spend donor money recklessly; the leadership has all been trained how to best spend those very precious donations.  In fact, with your donation of $17.75 a month, we can call over 700 targeted voters urging them to contact targeted politicians to defeat anti-gun bills.  So we are asking each Minutemen to sign up to donate $17.75 a month to arm the effort and restore Virginia.  We are not going to send you a hat, a bumper sticker or a T-shirt.  Every dime will be used to FIGHT politically for freedom.  Maybe someday a large donor will help us, but until then we know how precious your personal income is, and we will not use it to buy trinkets.

I know this sounds like a lot of work.  Defending your rights always is.  I know, because I spend at least 5 hours a day, every day, working to preserve your liberty, and now I ask you to help me.

If you are as dedicated as we are, now is the time to join your fellow Patriots in the Virginia Minutemen.

If Freedom, Liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms is worth fighting for, please join us today!


Before you submit: You will be taken to the Donation page to complete your pledge. We cannot process your enrollment without completion of the donation step!