
Repeal Red Flag

***Sign our Urgent Petition Today to REPEAL Red Flag Gun Confiscation in Virginia***

The right of due process, enshrined in the Constitution and dating back to the Magna Carta in 1215, is the hallmark of Western Civilization.

The right of the people not to be deprived of their liberty or property without a trial of their peers was one of the leading causes of the American Revolution, and now we must repeal Red Flag Gun Confiscation. 

Violating their oaths of office, the Richmond Radicals passed their gun grabbing scheme in 2020, and Virginia must be the first state to Repeal Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

 Under “Red Flag” laws, legal firearms can be seized from law-abiding gun owners based on an unsubstantiated accusation from an anti-gun family member, ex-partner, or neighbor.

With no due process or presumption of innocence, they can ask the government to authorize seizure and send a SWAT team to show up at your door at 5 in the morning with ex parte orders to barge in and take your guns.

No notification. No due process.

 And these orders have been issued over 1800 times already in many states…and dozens of times already in Virginia, most in so called “2nd Amendment Sanctuary” counties!

This is the exact opposite of what liberty, freedom and the rule of law looks like.  In fact, while claiming to attempt to reduce violence, these laws have already caused the death of one Maryland resident, who woke up with armed men beating his door in and responded with his legally owned firearm.

The police shot him to death.

This is nothing less than murder and pure tyranny.   The 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that ‘no individual shall be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law’.   The 6th Amendment goes farther, saying that ‘the accused is to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of a counsel for his defense.’

In April of 1775, brave patriots stood against the red flag of Britain, when, without due process, British Soldiers were sent to confiscate weapons in the sleepy villages of Lexington and Concord.

 Captain Parker and the Lexington Minutemen did not face down the most powerful army in the World so that we can sit by and allow politicians and bureaucrats do the same to us today.

So,it is vitally important that you click here to sign our Repeal Red Flag Gun Confiscation Petition Today!

At one time Virginians roared like lions for liberty, and we must do so again, not bleat like sheep for security.  For, as Benjamin Franklin said, those who sacrifice liberty for perceived security, will end up with, and deserve, neither.

If we succeed, Virginia will be the first State in the Republic to repeal this unconstitutional gun grabbing scheme.

Will you help us?

Let’s be honest here, just because Republicans have taken control of the House of Delegates and the Governor’s Office, does not mean they will repeal this unconstitutional scheme, unless you demand they do.

  Hundreds of thousands of brave Americans fought and died to create and defend our Constitution and the Republic it created.

 We have inherited our freedom and liberty from those who gave everything they had, and everything they ever would have, so that we can live free.

Virginians must, with steadfast resolve, oppose any politician, of any political party, who attempts to tear our liberty away, or the sacrifices of our forefathers were in vain.

  President Ronald Reagan once said ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.’ 

The Constitution is just a piece of paper, unless we, the voters, hold all elected officials accountable to it.

The Red Flag of Tyranny is waving, and we, the ones entrusted with the defense of our natural, constitutionally protected rights, must rip it down.

Repeal Unconstitutional Gun Confiscation Petition

We the undersigned, demand that you support the complete and total repeal of Red Flag Gun Confiscation.

This unconstitutional gun grab not only violates the 2nd Amendment, but also the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Since 1215, western law has required Due Process before anyone has their life, liberty or property taken.

We realize that the 2023 Primary Season is about to begin, and we pledge to hold every single state representative in Virginia accountable if they do not immediately support the complete and total repeal of Red Flag Gun Confiscation in Virginia.