help stop the anti-gun nuts

Help Stop the Anti-Gun Nuts


Fellow Virginians,

I cannot be more honest, unless you act now, our constitutionally protected rights to keep and bear arms may be abolished.

Anti-Gun radicals and ‘go along get along’ politicians are moving swiftly to erase the 2nd Amendment, and we desperately need your help.

The anti-gunners are clear, they want to end your right to keep and bear arms. These radical anti-liberty zealots are proposing the following for immediate adoption-

• Semi-Automatic Ban

• Banning Private Gun Sales

• Red Flag of Tyranny Gun Confiscation

• Universal Gun Confiscation, I mean Registration Lists

• Gun Quotas and much, much more…

But you can stop them, if you act today.

The Virginia Constitutional Conservatives is gearing up to fight these nuts every single step of the way. You see, currently at the Federal Level, legislation is moving rapidly forward on the TAPS Act, Gun Confiscation Orders and Assault Weapons Bans. But we can stop them right here at the Virginia State Border. Much like other unconstitutional Federal programs, these bills mostly just funnel your tax payer dollars to states who adopt these tyrannical laws. And like the greedy little pigs they are, sellout politicians and radical socialists will belly up to the taxpayer trough to adopt these laws…unless you stop them.

And here is where you come in.

There are many actions we NEED you to take, so here they are in order-

1- Sign our Protect the Second Amendment Petition and then share it with your friends and family to do the same.

2- Print off our Bill of Rights Candidate Pledge and take it with you to meet with your local County and State Candidates and demand they sign it if they want your vote. Tell them you will not compromise and will not support them if they do not sign it. Then email it to us at

3- Call Virginia State Senate Leader Tommy Norment ( 757-259-7810) and Speaker Kirk Cox (804-526-5135) and tell them unless they publicly go on record opposing any and all anti-gun schemes, you will not support any of their candidates in the 2019 State Election this November.

4- In the recent anti-gun special session, thanks to our donors, the Virginia Constitutional Conservatives called over 65,000 gun owners in our State, urging them to contact their representatives and demand they stand firm on our constitutionally protected rights. And that was only due the donations we received from patriots like yourself. This upcoming battle will require even more calls and mailers, so please donate $200, $100 or whatever you can afford at this link so that we can mobilize fellow conservatives and stop the anti-gun nuts.

It is vital that you act today. Right now sellouts of both political parties are rushing to pray at the altar of government to violate the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments…nearly half of the Bill of Rights!!

But I know we can stop them, but only with you help.

Future generation of Virginians will look back at this critical moment. Do you want them to see our generation allowing their rights and freedom to be stripped away? Or do you want them to see us, as our Founding Fathers did, standing and fighting for liberty and winning?

It is up to you.

If you hold your liberty, your freedom, your right to due process and the right to keep and bear arms dear, you need to act today.

Can I count on you?

In Liberty,

S. Chris Anders

Virginia Constitutional Conservatives

PS- It is vital that you do the following TODAY if you wish to preserve the right to keep and bear arms-

1- Sign our Protect the Second Amendment Petition and then share it with your friends and family to do the same.

2- Print off our Bill of Rights Candidate Pledge and take it with you to meet with your local County and State Candidates and demand they sign it if they want your vote. Tell them you will not compromise and will not support them if they do not sign it.

3- Call Virginia State Senate Leader Tommy Norment ( 757-259-7810) and Speaker Kirk Cox (804-526-5135) and tell them unless they publicly go on record opposing any and all anti-gun schemes, you will not support any of their candidates in the 2019 State Election this November.

4- In the recent anti-gun special session, thanks to our donors, the Virginia Constitutional Conservatives called over 65,000 gun owners in our State, urging them to contact their representatives and demand they stand firm on our constitutionally protected rights. And that was only due the donations we received from patriots like yourself. This upcoming battle will require even more calls and mailers, so please donate $200, $100 or whatever you can afford at this link so that we can mobilize fellow conservatives and stop the anti-gun nuts.

PPS- We will be informing the voters of who signed our 2019 Candidate Bill of Rights Pledge, who refused to and who is refusing to take a stand on your right to keep and bear arms.
