
Articles and Press Releases

Blood on the Ceiling

Fellow Virginians,

For 32 years I practiced Tang Soo Do.  You always knew when a good fight was over, because there would always be blood on the ceiling.

That is exactly what happened tonight.  Our team is exhausted, we have been up fighting since 1:45am this morning,

The smoke has cleared, the battle to rip the Richmond Radicals from power is over and over 18 months of hard work has led us to this point.

Over the past year and a half, our team traveled Virginia, training nearly 1,000 activists, sent out 5 million phone calls, 734,000 text messages, untold millions of emails, reached over 7 million voters on social media, worked on 13 elections, stopped county gun bans, stopped Northam's Gun Ban, stopped the Homemade Gun Ban, built a statewide network, held rallies, protests, took over town halls and political fundraisers, and in general raised hell to get us here.

But the fight is far from over.

I know I am beat. This was a long hard road, but we have not yet begun to fight.

For election day does not make policy, the legislature does, more specifically politicians make policy.

In the Old West, when a wolf ate a rancher's cow, the rancher would hunt the wolf down, kill it, rip off its hide and hang it high on a barn as a warning to the other wolves......DON'T TREAD ON ME.

For two years, the Radicals in Richmond did their best to destroy everything the Founding Fathers fought and died for. They tried to gut the 2nd Amendment, they tried to destroy our schools, they tried to take away every last ounce of freedom thousands of Virginians died for.

And we hunted them down.

The following ex-politicians preyed upon your liberty, but are now politically dead.

  • Nancy Guy (D-83)- GONE

  • Josh Cole (D-28)- GONE

  • Chris Hurst (D-12)- GONE

  • Roslyn Tyler (D-75)- GONE

  • Lashrecse Aird (D-63)- GONE

And we are still waiting on more results.

Thanks to you, our donors and supporters, we have come this far. But, the biggest battles are yet to come. And that battle will be the 2022 State Legislative Session, where we have new Champions for Liberty who have pledged to-

  • Repeal Red Flag Gun Confiscation

  • Break the Government Monopoly on Education

  • Pass Constitutional Carry

  • Legalize Private Gun Sales

  • And Once Again make Virginia Free Again

But these statesmen and women cannot do it alone. They need you to help them. In over 15 years in politics I have learned a little, and one thing is for sure, without you and I on the outside controlling the political environment, no matter how hard they try, nothing will happen.

You would think that given the overwhelming results of yesterday's election, it would be easy to Restore Virginia.

But it won't be.

You see, the political class and the so-called 'leadership' in Richmond doesn't really care about what you and I do, unless we make them.

And we plan to do exactly that. We are not little dogs begging at the table for scraps. We must be the type of dog that jumps on the table, steals the turkey, eats it on the couch and then breaks into the neighbor's house and does the same.

Because politicians work for us, not the other way around.

I want to thank each and everyone of you that ever called a politician we asked you to. For each of you that signed one of our petitions we used to put pressure on legislators. And especially those who donated to get us this far.

And trust me, I hate to say this, now the hard work begins.

While we have many champions in the House of Delegates now, they cannot do it on their own. We have to pave the road for them. And this is where we really need your help.

Two years ago we started the Minuteman Program. Hundreds and hundreds of fellow Virginians signed up. And by doing so, they pledged to swing into action whenever a political fight was brewing.

And they did.

These men and women dedicated themselves to fighting for liberty in the Commonwealth, and I am asking you to join their ranks today.

By joining the Virginia Minutemen you wil pledge to-

  • Call within 4 hours to tell a politician how they must vote on specific legislation

  • Join us in specific districts at specific times to flood the home area of a targeted politician with our literature

  • Whenever possible, attend our one day Political Leadership Class

  • And donate $17.75 a month to help us arm fellow patriots with the political tools needed to win

To join the fastest growing, no compromise and hard hitting group of liberty fighters in Virginia, click here.

In January the Legislature will go into session, and many of the same tired politicians will show up and want to do, well, nothing. And they won't do a thing..... unless we make it extremely uncomfortable for them not to.

The fight is coming, and we badly need your help. So if you ae as dedicated as we are to once again make Virginia the light of liberty, then join the Virginia Minutemen today.

And you can do so by simply clicking on this link.

As legislators introduce our bills to Restore Virginia, we will let you know. We will keep you informed of every good effort, and every single back-handed scheme in Richmond.

Because we will not stop until Virginia is Restored.

I thank you for all you have done, and all you will do, for the cause of Freedom.

In Liberty,

S. Chris Anders
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives

Jimmy Singh